Cliff Notes to Conflict
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A Workshop to UNLOCK Your Relationship's Full Potential for a LIFETIME of LOVE!
Relationships begin in such an intense and even blissful experience. After a while, that connection can fade and the source of our intense desire somehow becomes the source of our frustration and pain. You are invited to learn more about why this happens, and what to do about it. You will also be given an array of tools designed to help your relationship move beyond conflict and into conscious love, where you can communicate effectively and feel connected again. 

As a Certified Imago Relationship Therapist, I get to see wonderful healing and amazing re-connections with couples in my workshops and I love this because it works! I strongly encourage attending this weekend because it is connecting, intensive and comparable to dozens of private sessions. By Sunday afternoon, you are in a much better place, and fighting is no longer necessary because you have a much more effective means to resolve conflict, even achieving a feeling of connection in the process. 

Oprah regularly talked about Imago and specifically this workshop. You can hear her discussing it here: []( 
The workshop is primarily educational. My presentation style tends to be lively and interactive. You will be engaged, but YOU WILL NOT BE REQUIRED TO DISCLOSE PERSONAL INFORMATION. Financially and time wise, the weekend is very economical because you get a lot of information and practical help for much less than therapy fees.

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Friday Night 

5pm - 8 pm 

Saturday and Sunday 8 am - 5 pm

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One couple ($1,029)$1029.00
  • Preferred option
    Prepaid 2 weeks before ($950.00)$950.00

The Getting The Love You Want Couples Workshop

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Getting The Love You Want Workshop$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xGetting The Love You Want Workshop$0

All prices in USD
