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- Explore your beliefs about therapy and couples and their relationships.
- Fine-tune the mandate for the therapy in the first session and for evaluating progress according to the stated desires of the couple.
- Tools for deepening connection and “shallowing” affect are studied in more depth. Increase your presence in your work with couples.
- Deepen the dialogue process through advanced use of sentence stems, doubling, and focusing.
- Apply integration of the four “meta theories” of Imago with the deepening tools.
- Utilize the Parent-Child Dialogue and BCR processes.
- Observe how, when, and why to best use each of the Imago processes.
The Attuned Therapist builds on the Brilliant at the Basics material to better understand the most challenging couples you will be working with. Learn how to move under the conflict and dissolve the polarization and tension. Review the key parts of the theory at a deeper level and how it impacts the anxiety of the therapist.
Learn to use the skills of dialogue to more effectively facilitate connection based on the developmental stages of the couple.
Explore how the adaptive self or Self-of-The-Therapist can make certain couples more challenging for the therapist to remain attuned.
Expand the use of the Parent-Child dialogue, deepening of the Appreciation dialogue, and understand how to work with the Core Scene.
Recognize those couples who present a personal ‘challenge’ and how to use inner attunement and embodied presence, to stay present and available when challenged.
Explore skills and interventions to assist couples to move toward each other to co-regulate, moving into greater safety and joy.
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Recognize and define couples who present a clinical challenge
Identify the facilitator’s own personal reactive behaviors both inside and outside the office Review the importance of interacting in a dialogical manner with their couples
Discuss and illustrate the importance of being the lead energy or leading with “empathic authority”
Identify couples at the first four developmental stages Identify and review the developmental needs and how they present in adult intimate relationships
Review the psychological journey importance in the relational paradigm and its significance in attunement Identify the growth stages of an Imago Relationship therapist
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Registration information
"The Brilliant at the Basics workshop is a unique, transformative experience. For me, as an imago relationship therapist, this workshop is very perspicuous and helped me to understand even more the intricacy of the imago dialogue. If you are a therapist or facilitator working with couples, participating in this workshop can significantly enrich your work, and especially your life."
Pay all at once $749.00
Early bird option by September 1st
MAIT members special price
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- Preferred optionAdvanced Class$749.00
- Preferred optionEarly Bird by March 15 ($675.00)$675.00
- Preferred optionOne-time payment ($549.00) for MAIT by Oct 1$549.00
- Preferred optionTwo Advanced Classes ($1000.00)$1000.00
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